Positive Action
Positive Action is an evidence-based character development program proven in Hawai‘i to significantly reduce under-age drinking, improve grades, decrease bullying and achieve other positive results. This course has been implemented in cooperation with schools across the island of Kauai, both during and after school.
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Making A Difference
Making a Difference is a Hawai‘i Department of Education-approved abstinence-only pregnancy prevention curriculum that teaches youth to stop, think, and act thoughtfully by focusing on their dreams and hopes for the future. Students learn about ways to negotiate contact with peers and to assert the importance of their own choices in peer relationships.
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Making Proud Choices
Making Proud Choices is a fun course with curriculum designed to help students understand sexual abstinence, sexually transmitted infections, birth control methods, decision-making, healthy relationships, and reproductive anatomy and physiology. Each student completes an assessment before and after the program. Results show the activities build self-efficacy and goal-setting skills.
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Mother-Daughter Circle
Mother-Daughter Circle is an eight-week program bringing mothers and daughters together to examine, strengthen, and celebrate their communication and relationship. Through creative activities that promote listening, sharing, and understanding, mother-daughter relationships are embraced, healed, and uplifted.
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Healthy Teen Relationships
Youth are taught key skills to help them give and get respect in their relationships: controlling anger, problem solving, negotiating and compromising, being assertive, fighting fair, understanding, listening, and being a role model. Supportive, gender-specific talk story sessions in a climate of trust empower youth to take charge of their relationships and their future.
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