
Drive With Aloha mural develops on the walls at Kauai High School
Kauai High School teachers, students, and community volunteers turned out Saturday to work on the Drive With Aloha mural that spanned the length of the school’s R Building.

Sign wavers bring attention to suicide prevention – The Garden Island Newspaper
There was a lot of energy and a lot of honking on the corner of Rice Street and Umi Street in a sign-waving event for World Suicide Prevention Month on Wednesday Sept. 4.

Hōʻike Interview Broadcast for Hale ʻŌpio’s Teen Court Program
We have collaborated with Tricia Allen from Hoike and Letty was our first interviewee showcasing and promoting the Teen Court program. Awesome job Letty! 👏 It starts at 17:20

Hale Opio Staff Member Wins Scholarship
Each year, the SHRM Hawaii Educational Foundation awards scholarships to people within our HR community for attendance at our Annual State Conference & Expo. We were very fortunate to receive many applications this year, and it was a tight judging process for our committees. After careful consideration, we are pleased to announce the SHCX 2023 scholarship recipients. One of this year’s scholarship award winners is our own staff member Lexi Albite-Ruiz. Congratulations!

Hawai‘i Medical Service Association Invests $25,000 for Hale ‘Ōpio Kaua‘i Youth Program
In response to the urgent need for resources to address the youth mental health crisis in our local communities, Hawai‘i Medical Service Association is investing $125,000 to support five unique programs across the state.
It includes $25,000 for Hale ‘Ōpio Kaua‘i’s Ke Kahua O Ka Malamalama, an after-school and intercession program.

Hale Opio Spotted In The Garden Island – Charity Walk 2022
Karmann Bayani gets a pink backpack of school supplies Saturday from Lexie Albitee-Ruiz and Reiko Ayabe of Hale ‘Opio during the Countdown to Charity Walk at Kukui Grove Center in Lihu‘e.
Hale ‘Opio, one of the nonprofit organizations benefiting from the annual Kaua‘i Visitor Industry Charity Walk, was distributing backpacks of school supplies and other giveaways.
“We had a backpack distribution after the Kukui Grove Center Back to School Bash,” said Hale ‘Opio’s Lexie Albitee-Ruiz. “These are some of the remaining backpacks that we need to give away.”

More Help Is Coming For Hawaii’s Homeless Youth
More Help Is Coming For Hawaii’s Homeless Youth
Act 130, recently signed into law, establishes the Safe Spaces for Youth Pilot Program under the Department of Human Services.

Hawai‘i USA helps Hale ‘Opio Kaua‘i
The HiUSA ‘ohana, including Taylor Shigemoto, left, and Branch Manager Karen Shigemoto, present a $500 award to Priti “Maya” Tayal, Vonn Ramos and Tiffany Marrotte of Hale ‘Opio Kaua‘i Tuesday to support the Hale ‘Opio First Jobs Academy.

Rotary Club of Kapa‘a Finds Homes for Eagle Project – Hale ‘Opio
Jessica Gormley of Hawai‘i Literacy, third from right, and Mia Tayal of Hale ‘Opio, second from right, accept refurbished laptop computers from Rotary Club of Kapa‘a President Jakki Nelson, third from left, and other members of the Rotary Club of Kapa‘a during the club’s meeting Wednesday at Mariachi’s restaurant in Kapa‘a.

Free Adult Tutoring
Hawaii Literacy offer’s one-to-one tutoring for basic reading and writing skills to English-speaking adults free of charge. We can help you: with keiki in school; learn college and computer skills and get GED, driver’s license or a new job.
For more information please visit our website:
or contact Jessical Gormley: (808) 639-6844 / [email protected]